Kripperlschauen im Knappendorf Bad Häring

Events & Kultur
von Gitti Suchan
Kripperlschauen im Knappendorf Bad HäringDaniel Kaindl: Beim Rückzug brandschatzte die bayerische Festungsbesatzung 1704 den Ort Thiersee. In Panik flohen die Menschen nach Hinterthiersee und beteten in der St. Nikolauskirche um Hilfe. Der Feind zog schließlich ab, ohne noch mehr Schaden anzurichten. Deshalb beschloss die Bevölkerung von Thiersee den Schutzheiligen der Kirche St. Nikolaus und St. Leonhard in Dankbarkeit einen Festumzug mit Vieh und geschmückten Fuhrwerken in Hinterthiersee zu widmen.
Welche Rolle spielt der der Noriker Pferdezucht Verein beim Leonhardiritt in Thiersee?
Daniel Kaindl: Der Noriker Pferdezuchtverein Thiersee ist Veranstalter dieses Brauchtums und organisiert diesen Umzug.
Welche Pferde laufen beim Leonhardiritt mit?
Daniel Kaindl: Willkommen sind alle Rassen und Pferde, hauptsächlich nehmen aber Noriker an diesem Umzug teil.
Was zeichnet diese Rassen aus?
Daniel Kaindl: Ein Noriker ist kraftvoll, gutmütig und elegant trotz seines Gewichtes.
Daniel Kaindl: Hauptsächlich geht es bei dem Umzug um Gelöbnis und Tradition. Die Musik umrandet diese Veranstaltung und die Bewirtung am Dorfplatz lädt die Gäste ein, die Veranstaltung bis zum Ende miterleben zu können.
Daniel Kaindl: Dies ist immer unterschiedlich, bei gutem Wetter sind es bis zu 80 Pferde, dieses Jahr sind davon 16 Gespanne.
Daniel Kaindl: Jeder der ein Pferd besitzt, egal welche Rasse kann mitreiten oder einspannen und bei dieser Tradition mitmachen.
Daniel Kaindl: Dieses Jahr feiern wir 3 Jubilare – 110 Jahre Norikerpferdezuchtverein Thiersee, den 315. Leonhardiritt und 25 Jahre Wiederbelebung des Leonhardirittes.
Daniel Kaindl: In Hinterthiersee auf dem Dorfplatz können die Zuschauer am besten den Umzug ansehen, dort findet auch die Vorstellung der Gespanne und Reiter statt sowie die Andacht und Pferdesegnung. Dort ist auch für Speis und Trank gesorgt.
Daniel Kaindl: Auf einen festlichen Umzug mit vielen Reitern und tollen Gespannen.
15 Kommentar(e)
yolgi gim
21.09.2021 - 09:58 Uhr
Nail Biotics Plus is a unique nutritional complement. The complement’s development followed the principle that fungus is treatable much like bacterial infections. Most remedies do not work to spoil the foundation purpose of nail fungus. Scientists observed out that nail fungus is greater of an inner problem in preference to an external nail discoloration.
yolgi gim
21.09.2021 - 11:04 Uhr
Energeia is a nutritional supplement designed to help users cut weight efficaciously and certainly, using herbal substances. The formula contains substances that help users rework their life and gain a really perfect body using powerful fat-burning techniques. According to the legit website, the mixture of ingredients utilized in Energeia supports a more fit lifestyles and leaner frame within days without any aspect effects.
yolgi gim
22.09.2021 - 08:50 Uhr
Revitaa Pro is a nutritional complement that goals to hit your weight troubles on the middle. The makers of this product boast its Japanese origin, therefore giving it an oriental touch which human beings love due to their opportunity approach to many health-associated matters. Revitaa Pro is likewise stated to be an all-herbal stress reliever, giving you the edge to move about your existence with minimum stumbling blocks.
yolgi gim
22.09.2021 - 09:23 Uhr
PuraLean is a weight loss supplement that incorporates all-herbal substances in tablet form. Each bottle contains 30 drugs, so the person have to take one each day. Regular use of this complement can cause herbal weight reduction. It does no longer affect different frame capabilities. It is secure and mild on the body because it uses scientifically verified herbs consisting of sour melon, sweet yarrow, and guggul that assist to detoxify, lessen infection, and increase metabolism.
yolgi gim
22.09.2021 - 10:20 Uhr
Profit Singularity is a step-by using-step gadget for making passive income from associate marketing thru YouTube. In different words selling different humans merchandise on the sector's 2d biggest web page and not stressful about costumer carrier or transport and dealing with.
Trustee for Bankruptcy – Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy Trustee for Bankruptcy – Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy
22.09.2021 - 14:35 Uhr
When you are in financial trouble and are feeling overwhelmed by debt, an important step in your overall financial recovery is to set up a free meeting with a licensed debt professional like a… Trustee for Bankruptcy – Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy
yolgi gim
23.09.2021 - 09:23 Uhr
While there are numerous digestive supplements in the marketplace, most have not mastered the effectiveness of regulating digestion and restoring gut fitness. However, because of its natural system, the SynoGut nutritional complement does this via replenishing the body with the required vitamins to hold a healthful gut and digestion. What’s quality approximately using the supplement is that one doesn’t honestly must undertake any unique diet or exercise ordinary.
yolgi gim
23.09.2021 - 10:35 Uhr
Let’s find out everything in this TestoPrime evaluate. This is a US-made product which can provide all around the international. According to testoprime.Com, it's miles made of natural elements, each one of that is obtained from premium pleasant resources. There are a hundred and twenty capsules in every bottle, that's sufficient for one month. Though character consequences may additionally vary, using Testo Prime pills each day may additionally provide the following blessings; Increased power to carry out bodily and intellectual responsibilities Improved protein synthesis within the body main to lean mass gain and weight reduction.
yolgi gim
23.09.2021 - 13:34 Uhr
Mycosyn Pro is a compelling natural science with the intention to ultimately help you eliminate fungal sicknesses. The protected additives feature correctly with a completely unique recipe of the best materials which have severa health benefits. Mycosyn Pro revitalizes you via completely boosting your health via getting rid of fungal irritations and unsightly fungus that may be plaguing your nails and scalp.
yolgi gim
24.09.2021 - 10:19 Uhr
Totale Revive Plus takes a multi-pronged approach; on pinnacle of improving digestion and nutrient absorption, it reduces strain and the unpredictable appetite that comes with it. Total Revive+ isn't like different digestive aids and dietary supplements because it is free from any artificial components and does no longer regulate any herbal approaches inside the body. It simplest boosts the capabilities which have been bogged down due to toxins and shortage of nutrients.
yolgi gim
24.09.2021 - 17:17 Uhr
PuraLean is a effective nutritional supplement made into weight reduction tablets to get rid of stubborn fats from the body via enhancing the body’s PuraLean rhythm. Based on conventional Chinese remedy, it can repair the PuraLean rhythm and promote metabolism after present day scientific assessment. Allows assist the nervous device and promote cognitive development, whilst improving overall fitness.
yolgi gim
25.09.2021 - 10:03 Uhr
Mycosyn Pro is a natural complement presenting a fitness increase minus the not unusual facet results present in quite a number different fungus supplements. Majorly, it allows put off undesirable fungal infections, growth fluid preservation and pores and skin hydration, and inhibit fungal growths. Furthermore, Mycosyn Pro boosts your immunity ranges for the nails, pores and skin, and hair.
yolgi gim
25.09.2021 - 11:01 Uhr
Folifort is an extra electricity hair increase complement formulated to assist people regain misplaced hair, even as increasing volume, power, and shine among others. To facilitate such outcomes, the creators at the back of this solution claim to have protected nothing but herbal ingredients sourced from non-GMO plants, all sponsored through clinical evidence.
柔滑亮澤面膜 柔滑亮澤面膜
25.09.2021 - 14:05 Uhr
為了讓消費者在日常護膚中分享到FILORGA菲洛嘉美容醫學實驗室專業護膚的裨益,FILORGA菲洛嘉將該複合物中的50種活性成分結合透明質酸封裝到微球運載技術中,稱之為NCEF[New Cellular Encapsulated Factors],並將其應用到護膚品中,包括亮麗眼霜OPTIM-EYES, 抗皺修護霜,柔滑亮澤面膜MESO-MASK, NCEF ESSENCE, TIME-FILLLER, 等產品,可使活性成分逐層滲透深入肌底,進行內源修護,強韌肌底,淡退老化痕跡,讓肌膚細嫩緊致,嘭彈潤亮. 柔滑亮澤面膜
yolgo d
26.09.2021 - 10:31 Uhr
Totale Revive Plus takes a multi-pronged approach; on pinnacle of improving digestion and nutrient absorption, it reduces strain and the unpredictable appetite that comes with it. Total Revive+ isn't like different digestive aids and dietary supplements because it is free from any artificial components and does no longer regulate any herbal approaches inside the body. It simplest boosts the capabilities which have been bogged down due to toxins and shortage of nutrients.